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Georg Fischer

Do good things and discuss them: prestige building in Dubai

Category: Media relations

An indus­tri­al firm estab­lished in 1802, Georg Fis­ch­er is based in Schaffhausen and runs around 130 com­pa­nies in 30 coun­tries. Georg Fis­ch­er focus­es on three areas: pip­ing sys­tems, auto­mo­tive tech­nol­o­gy and mechan­i­cal engi­neer­ing. As might be expect­ed, prod­ucts man­u­fac­tured with com­po­nents from Georg Fis­ch­er are more famil­iar to end users than the com­pa­ny itself, which oper­ates in the busi­ness-to-busi­ness sector.

More­over, when a suit­able oppor­tu­ni­ty arose to make Georg Fis­ch­er bet­ter known among the gen­er­al pub­lic, cometris exploit­ed this very fact. The pres­ti­gious Burj Khal­i­fa build­ing in Dubai was made the focus of media rela­tions, which spawned numer­ous pieces in print, online media and TV; report­ing on the sig­nif­i­cant role played by Georg Fis­ch­er in sup­ply­ing water to the top­most floor of the tallest build­ing in the world.

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