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A new bank conquering the market

Categories: Corporate communications,  Media relations

Ear­ly in 2007, Cred­it Suisse trans­ferred its con­sumer finance divi­sion to a legal­ly inde­pen­dent sub­sidiary by the name of BANK-now. cometris was com­mis­sioned to assist with both the inter­nal and exter­nal com­mu­ni­ca­tions for this process.

The broad range of ser­vices we pro­vid­ed includ­ed edit­ing infor­ma­tion texts and pre­sen­ta­tions, help­ing con­struct the web­site, pro­vid­ing con­sul­ta­tions for press con­fer­ences, and car­ry­ing out press and issue monitoring.

Inter­nal com­mu­ni­ca­tions large­ly involved pod­casts by senior man­age­ment, which allowed exec­u­tives to pro­vide employ­ees with much more direct and per­son­al infor­ma­tion about the changes and plans than they could with writ­ten information.

cometris con­tin­ued to pro­vide com­mu­ni­ca­tions and media rela­tions sup­port once the reor­gan­i­sa­tion process was complete.

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