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Perception can be tempting

Category: Research

Hav­ing decid­ed to update its choco­late brand Chok­i­to, Nestlé tasked var­i­ous design agen­cies with propos­ing new pack­ag­ing designs for the choco­late bars. The main aim of the new pack­ag­ing was to boost per­cep­tion among younger cus­tomers, and cometris was com­mis­sioned to test the 10 designs that were developed.

In par­tic­u­lar:

  • How were the design pro­pos­als perceived?
  • How pop­u­lar were var­i­ous aspects of the pack­ag­ing, such as the text, logo and background?
  • What asso­ci­a­tions did the pro­posed designs evoke?
  • How did per­cep­tions dif­fer among the var­i­ous tar­get groups?

As a result, we deliv­ered a clear rec­om­men­da­tion as to which design promised great­est accep­tance among the rel­e­vant tar­get groups for Chokito.

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