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International company, locally accessible

Categories: Corporate communications,  Media relations

Con­tact­less pay­ment has remained a hot top­ic in Switzer­land since it was intro­duced by Migros, and Mas­ter­Card leads the field, with more than one mil­lion Pay­Pass cred­it cards. cometris has pro­vid­ed a num­ber of ser­vices to sup­port the inter­na­tion­al pay­ment pro­cess­ing tech­nol­o­gy firm – par­tic­u­lar­ly with active and pas­sive media relations.

This has involved cometris act­ing as a press office to mon­i­tor media cov­er­age (print, online and social media), han­dling numer­ous media enquiries from all parts of the coun­try in con­sul­ta­tion with the client, and assist­ing Mas­ter­Card to com­mu­ni­cate prod­uct launch­es and inno­va­tions such as Pay­Pass in Switzer­land and the rest of Europe. It also includ­ed iden­ti­fy­ing opin­ion lead­ers, organ­is­ing a media round-table ses­sion, prepar­ing inter­views and back­ground dis­cus­sions with senior man­agers, and writ­ing trade articles.

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