Financial service provider

Leadership ad interim

Categories: Corporate communications,  Crisis communications

At a lead­ing, inter­na­tion­al­ly oper­at­ing finan­cial ser­vice provider with 3,500 employ­ees, the posi­tion of Head of Com­mu­ni­ca­tions had remained vacant for a num­ber of months. Upon request, cometris thus assumed the lead­ing super­vi­so­ry role for the Com­mu­ni­ca­tions Depart­ment on an inter­im basis. A par­tic­u­lar chal­lenge lay in the fact that, on account of a recent­ly suc­cess­ful merg­er, the com­pa­ny at that time was bring­ing togeth­er employ­ees from two very dif­fer­ent cor­po­rate cultures.

The agency was tasked with safe­guard­ing the tran­si­tion­al phase with­in the con­flict area of dif­fer­ent cor­po­rate cul­tures, as well as struc­tur­ing and pri­ori­tis­ing upcom­ing work. In addi­tion, the agency sup­port­ed the com­pa­ny in the devel­op­ment of organ­i­sa­tion and struc­ture for the future Com­mu­ni­ca­tions Depart­ment. Along­side the analy­sis of the job descrip­tions that were cre­at­ed by the employ­ees them­selves, this also includ­ed one-to-one meet­ings and workshops.

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